
Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Board of Approval, it is very unfair of you to not clear special economic zone(SEZ) proposal of DLF only because DLF does not have the land!

Not only DLF's but Unitech's proposal is also deferred, not cleared by The Board of the Approval. However, Commerce secretary GK Pillai has said, the pending proposals will be cleared once the promoters acquire land.

Employment and Investment

"So far, formal approvals have been granted for setting up of 386 SEZs, out of which 149 have been notified" Mr. Pillai said. Yes Mr. Pillai, thanks! Indian government only gives approval. But remember, it is Indian Industry that has invested over Rs 47,732 crore in these notified SEZs, not the government. Obviously, the government cannot take the credit of providing direct employment to over 40,729 persons in these SEZs.


When collectively Indian Industry is doing so much for the country, what is the Government doing for the Indian Industry? Insulting it's leaders, real estate giants DLF and Unitech, by not clearing their SEZ proposals only because they do not have possession of the land! Mr. Pillai, you are not only unfair to the Indian Industry but you are also doing injustice to the citizens of India.


How can you be so rude to those who are doing so much for the country, and for the citizens? Why can't you see the love every promoter of the SEZ has for India? Why don't you give up your bureaucratic mentality? Why don't you stop being procedural? Why don't you understand who's country it is?


Give up those outdated socialistic ideas, ownership is not a crime anymore. Do not treat someone like this because he feels he owns the country. When the whole India is yours, taking possession of the land is only a formality, which can be done anytime. After all, DLF and Unitech were not planning SEZ in Pakistan occupied Kashmir or West Bengal!

If legally, in 2007, promoters of SEZ can acquire the land under Section 6 (1) of the Land Acquisition Act 1894, then as per your policy, is it impossible to get the consent of the farmers to the compensation package by other means? No, not at all! So there is no reason to worry about taking possession of the land!


Are you aware about what will happen if you keep on doing this? Someone may give up his mission to serve India by educating the masses and will be back on the road, selling soap. Yes, if Gurcharan Das is not there, then who will teach the masses that "SEZ is good for the country!" How will the people understand what a great sacrifice government is doing for them? Government is not going to give up it's plan to develop the country. It is ready to give up the country! Unfortunately there is no body to take the entire India, so government is giving small portions to anybody who is ready to take.

Best for you!

True, after some years, if they really develop it, then some parts of India will be more developed and prosperous than the other parts of the country. But everybody knows five fingers are not of the same size and every family in India always wishes for at least one rich relative.

When every thing is so nice, why are you, Mr. Pillai, so disrespectful to the angels of prosperity?

Related Story

Why Special Economic Zone (SEZ) promoted by a real estate developer is destined to fail?

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