
Sunday, July 1, 2007

REITs — poised to gain ground

With realty booming in India, it is just a matter of time before the concept of real-estate investment trust (REIT) gains ground among investors and policymakers. REITs, as investment vehicles that reduce the tax liability of corporates, are well established in Japan, Singapore and some western economies, and are bound to make an appearance in India in the next few years, according to Mr Dominic Whiting, author of Playing the REITs Game ( www.wiley .com), which focuses on the Asian opportunity in this sector.

In an e-mailed interview to Business Line on the concept and its relevance to India, he said that because of the rapid pace of construction, India will soon have a critical mass of assets that would allow a REIT market to form.......The Hindu Business Line : REITs — poised to gain ground

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